chemistry ONLINE TEST


12th Chemistry One Mark Test – Full Portion

Wish you all the Best !


1 / 70

The geometry at which carbon atom in diamond are bonded to each other is?

2 / 70

Concentration of the Ag⁺ ions in a saturated solution of Ag₂ C₂ O₄ is 2.24 ×10⁻⁴ mol L⁻¹ solubility product of Ag₂ C₂ O₄ is?

3 / 70

On reacting with neutral ferric chloride, phenol gives?

4 / 70

Permanganate ion changes to ________ in acidic medium?

5 / 70

The rate constant of a reaction is 5.8 × 10ˉ² sˉ¹ . The order of the reaction is?

6 / 70

In a protein, various amino acids linked together by?

7 / 70

While charging lead storage battery?

8 / 70

A magnetic moment of 1.73BM will be shown by one among the following?

9 / 70

Which of the metal is extracted by Hall-Heroult process?

10 / 70

Which one of the following characteristics are associated with adsorption?

11 / 70

Most easily liquefiable gas is?

12 / 70

If the initial concentration of the reactant is doubled, the time for half reaction is also doubled. Then the order of the
reaction is?

13 / 70

Which one given below is a non-reducing sugar?

14 / 70

What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 200K to
400K? (R = 8.314 JKˉ¹molˉ¹)?

15 / 70

What is the pH of the resulting solution when equal volumes of 0.1M NaOH and 0.01M HCl are mixed?

16 / 70

Which one of the following will not undergo Hofmann bromamide reaction?

17 / 70

In acid medium, potassium permanganate oxidizes oxalic acid to?

18 / 70

Which of the following compounds on reaction with methyl magnesium bromide will give tertiary alcohol?

19 / 70

The vacant space in bcc lattice unit cell is ?

20 / 70

The phenomenon observed when a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution is?

21 / 70

The magnetic moment of Mn²⁺ ion is?

22 / 70

Which of the following fluro compounds is most likely to behave as a Lewis base?

23 / 70

Which one of the following statements related to lanthanons is incorrect?

24 / 70

Oxidation state of Iron and the charge on the ligand NO in [Fe (H₂O)₅ NO] SO₄ are?

25 / 70

Boric acid is an because its molecule?

26 / 70

Which of the following d block element has half filled penultimate d sub shell as well as half filled valence sub shell?

27 / 70

An elements belongs to group 15 and 3 rd period of the periodic table, its electronic configuration would be?

28 / 70

The formation of cyanohydrin from acetone is an example of?

29 / 70

Wolframite ore is seprated from tinstone by the process of?

30 / 70

The addition of a catalyst during a chemical reaction alters which of the following quantities?

31 / 70

Which one of the following is an example for homogeneous catalysis?

32 / 70

Which of the following metals has the largest abundance in the earth’s crust?

33 / 70

Graphite and diamond are ?

34 / 70

Zinc can be coated on iron to produce galvanized iron but the reverse is not possible. It is because?

35 / 70

Electrochemical process is used to extract?

36 / 70

Carbolic acid is?

37 / 70

Which of the following compound can be used as artifreeze in automobile radiators?

38 / 70

Which one of the following rotates the plane polarized light towards left?

39 / 70

The decomposition of phosphine (PH₃) on tungsten at low pressure is a first order reaction. It is because the?

40 / 70

Which of the following is not SP2 hybridised?

41 / 70

Which of the following is incorrect for physisorption?

42 / 70

Which one of the following reduces tollens reagent?

43 / 70

Cupellation is a process used for the refining of?

44 / 70

Which one of the following undergoes reaction with 50% sodium hydroxide solution to give the corresponding alcohol and acid?

45 / 70

The sum of primary valance and secondary valance of
the metal M in the complex [ M(en)₂ (Ox) ] Cl is L?

46 / 70

Faradays constant is defined as?

47 / 70

The product formed by the reaction an aldehyde with a primary amine?

48 / 70

Nitrobenzene on reaction with Con HNO₃ / H₂ SO₄ at 80-100⁰C forms which one of the following products?

49 / 70

Oxidation state of carbon in its hybrides?

50 / 70

Secondary nitro alkanes react with nitrous acid to form?

51 / 70

The ratio of close packed atoms to tetrahedral hole in cubic packing is?

52 / 70

Which one of the following is the strongest acid?

53 / 70

In aqueous solution of amino acids mostly exists in?

54 / 70

Conjugate base for Bronsted acids H₂ O and HF are?

55 / 70

Which one of the following compounds is not formed?

56 / 70

Which of the following reagent can be used to convert nitrobenzene to aniline?

57 / 70

The central dogma of molecular genetics states that the genetic information flows from?

58 / 70

Solid CO₂ is an example of ?

59 / 70

Among the following, which is the strong gest oxidizing agent?

60 / 70

The reagent used to distinguish between acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde is?

61 / 70

Which one of the following will give a pair of enantiomorphs?

62 / 70

An excess of silver nitrate is added to 100ml of a 0.01M solution of pentaaquachloridochromium(III)chloride. The number of moles of AgCl precipitated would be?

63 / 70

During electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, the time required to produce 0.1mole of chlorine gas using a current of 3A is?

64 / 70

The number of electrons that have a total charge of 9650 coulombs is?

65 / 70

Collodion is a 4% solution of which one of the following compounds in alcohol – ether mixture?

66 / 70

Which one of the following reaction is an example of disproportionation reaction?

67 / 70

In calcium fluoride, having the fluorite structure the coordination number of ion and Ion are?

68 / 70

On hydrolysis, PCl₃ gives?

69 / 70

The correct statement regarding RNA and DNA respectively is?

70 / 70

In the extraction of aluminium from alumina by electrolysis, cryolite is added to?

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